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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  May 12, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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virginia, but the heaviest rain continues through richmond and southwest towards the north carolina border. for this evening, heavy showers and storms will end. and tonight it will stay cloudy and cool. we have a yo-yo forecast going on here. we will check out the weekend in a couple of minutes. every supreme court nominee has to go through it. elena kagan made the trip to capitol hill. >> she met with people who will make or break her confirmation. >> this was day one of those courtesy calls, at the meet and greets between members of the senate and elena kagan. even though republicans promised to be tough, she wisely kept very quiet today. >> i know this will be a
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challenging process to go through. >> they sometimes uncomfortably sitting between a supreme court nominee and eight senators is the beginning of the vetting process. >> the awkward silence, elena kagan knows anything she says will be dissected. perhaps wisely,, no. the only interviews she has given has been to the white house. >> i was so over george -- overjoyed and overwhelmed. it is an extraordinary honor. >> a few red flags -- opponents have grabbed onto a controversial decision she made at dean at harvard law. she was opposed to the don't ask don't tell policy. this might not be much of a
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sticking point. many predict a smooth confirmation. >> probably more than half of the senate have already made up their minds, they just have not said it. >> if there are no major hurdles that show up in the it does not appear there are any, then the president's goal could be in reach, to have elena kagan set -- seated in july or august. president karzai met with president obama at the white house. they addressed recent reports of tension between their administrations. president obama said the reports have been overstated. president karzai said the relationship is strong. mr. obama plans to start bringing troops home from afghanistan next year. now to the story of a plane
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crash and the sole survivor. this 10-year-old dutch boy was the only person on board to survive. the plane went down as it was about to land. a child has broken bones, but appears to have no internal injuries. families of three american hikers held in iran will soon be able to visit them. families have visas to visit their children but don't know when they will go. they had been held in iran since last july. iran accuses them of spying, a claim americans tonight. a street football game lead to an attack on a local teenager. police say he went to retrieve a football from a neighbor's yard and he asked the homeowner for permission to get the ball and the main disputes that.
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witnesses say the man charged the group and stabbed him. the screwdriver punctured his lover of -- puncher his liver, leaving him in critical condition. >> a very dangerous man who would try to take someone's life. >> sources say the man said it was self-defense. witnesses dispute that claim. a grand jury will decide whether to file charges. new developments in a murder case of the d.c. attorney. three men charged with obstruction of justice want a judge to decide their case. stephen tschida has the latest. >> the murder in 2006 captured headlines. after working late downtown, he spent the night with his college friend, the man's partner and a roommate.
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a couple hours after his arrival, he was stabbed to death. >> [unintelligible] >> investigators could not build a case for murder. they are charged with obstruction of justice, conspiracy and evidence tampering. some months say he was injected with a paralyzing stroke, sexually assaulted and stabbed him. investigators found paraphernalia in the home. defense attorneys asked for a judge to decide the case based on the media coverage. other attorneys say this strategy is not unusual. >> the best reason is to opt for a bench trial. >> sources say the defense is confident of acquittal. it believes it will be impossible to prove which meant tempered with evidence. -- which man tampered with
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evidence. >> they believe a judge will be more likely to see things their way. >> coming up, people at a better intersection have -- they have a better chance of crossing the street safely. >> thousands of police officers are in washington for national police week. >> it is a rite of passage at the
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>> breaking news from montgomery county. the emergency room in rockville is shut down because of the hazmat scare. impatient open an envelope containing white powder. that patient has been isolated and the er has been sealed. no one is being allowed in or out. the traditional herndon monument climb at the naval academy could soon be a thing of the past. every year the plebes climb the monument. the officer who runs the academy says the tradition could be coming to an end.
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he believes the trials are a better example of teamwork. he says safety is a concern. >> changes are coming to one of the district's busiest intersections. all vehicular traffic at the intersection of seventh street and eighth street will be stopped regular they. pedestrians will be allowed to cross in any direction. this is one of the highest rates of pedestrian accidents. police hope this will cut down on that. >> women who have to wait in the bathroom line will appreciate this new bill. it would require an equal number of toilets in men's and women's restrooms in the federal buildings. the bill is needed because many federal buildings were put up before a sell many women joined the work force. maryland has tried to distance itself from the movie "the blair witch project."
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the sign was featured in the horror movie and became a target of death after they movie was released. the town will vote on whether to auction off the signs. honoring fallen police officers around the country with a bike ride to remember. >> grace guys out there this evening. -- gray skies. >> i have the very latest. bernadina is the star of the day as the nationals take a bite out
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♪ >> hundreds of police officers took part in a bike ride for honoring fallen officers. >> net cash barrett joined them at the final destination -- and natasha barrett. >> writing for three days up hill and from chesapeake,
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virginia all the way to the pentagon. this was all on a bicycle. >> this is something i always wanted to do. >> this woman is a fairfax county police aid. >> it is an overwhelming people and not on the streets and greeting them. >> stafford county sheriff's deputy just finished a ride for the third time. he is writing for an officer killed in the line of duty in las vegas. he says he is here to honor him. >> we are all officers from all over the country. we support each other. >> fairfax county sheriff's deputy is running for two people he has never met. >> i am writing for the chief of police john hamilton and the
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correction officer. each officer is wearing a brace that remembering every officer killed in the patches show their departments. >> that is what believe -- what we believe and. -- believe in. >> from northwest d.c., that cash. . >> a beautiful day -- northwest d.c., natasha barrett. >> temperatures will be in the upper 70's but now they are falling. let's get a look at the radar. we can pinpoint the heaviest rain that will show up in red and orange. you can see the areas are small, but downpour's mainly to the east and north east. we are seeing the heaviest rains from bowie up to columbia.
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most everything else is fairly light. a few more moderate showers to deal with. i think later tonight it will all come to an end. stops.ake a few some areas got very heavy rain, like martinsburg. they are down to 62 degrees. a full inch of rain in damascus. and in the district, .64 inches of rain. don't you love technology. let's go to the board and take a look at the numbers. today was above average temperatures. tomorrow we will have below average temperatures. friday we will be back above average temperatures. temperatures are falling with the heavy rain, but it is still much warmer and south and east.
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look in pennsylvania, 47 in the korea. we will get that clear air coming in tonight, -- 47 and laguardia. a cluster of storms during the day. there is a new thunderstorm watch for a while. it was canceled in our area. from the virginia and north carolina border of this line is getting stronger. it is southeast virginia that is in the bull's-eye. cool breezes will be coming off the ocean. highs only in the low 60's. the next batch of warm air will push through friday. and a strong cold front will come through with more storms. the heaviest winds will be to the west, but our area could see heavy thunderstorms. the weekend looks fine with
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clearing skies. much improvement in the weather when we hit friday. more showers and storms possible next week. >> the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers, moving you forward. >> the nationals, how about them? >> this is a great story. they played an afternoon game with the mets and what a ball game. the national's build a lead and held on. craig started for the nationals. he knocked in three runs. he pitched five and teens. but the name you have to know is roger bernadina. the mets had the bases loaded. bernadina, what a grab to save the day. he has not done yet. the game is still tight.
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bernadina gets a fastball and rips it into the clouds. the game winner. the national's beat the mets. the final was 6-4. stephen strasburg will be on the mound for syracuse. today, curt schilling says he has never seen a pitcher like this in his entire life. he is a 6 time all-star. he says that when he comes up he will be the best pitcher in all of the major leagues. high praise from a future hall of famer. brien westbrook was at redskins park today, but left without a contract. he left with his brother and he is on his way to denver to visit the broncos. the redskins already have clinton portis and willie parker under contract. westbrook is on his way to
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denver. the associated press -- the nfl rookie of the year award brian cushin won/ you was taking steroids. apparently -- what the heck happened to lebron james last night against the celtics? the cavaliers lost by 32 in a playoff game, but james says he is not listening to the criticism. he doesn't mind the harsh words. he says he is focused on game 6 in boston and forgetting about last night where he struggled just a dribbling the ball. he says let's go to boston and beat the celtics. >> the preakness is this saturday at pimlico. the kentucky derby winner arrived today. there has not been a triple
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crown winner since 1978. only 11 horses in history have won the triple crown. there is only one horse that can do it. the former redskins line coach has been asked to present at -- when he is inducted into the pro football hall of fame. he said he was so excited his head hit the ceiling. >> we have already seen some surprising primaries, but they must consequential elections don't take place until next week on may 18. we have today's political polls. why is that important? >> just four states will go to the polls that day, but the ballot will be packed with elections that will show the fullest measure of the toxicity of the political environment. on may 22, the special election
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in hawaii offers republicans an opportunity to pick up a house seat in the
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>> george washington university class of 2010 is going green. their graduation gowns are made from recycled bottles.
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nearly five dozen graduates will take part in the commencement on the mall. the special graduation speaker will be michelle obama. you can watch the commitment right here -- watched the commencement. >> it will be sunshine and temperatures in the low 60's. the heaviest rain left over east of town. that will move off the bed. a much cooler day and much warmer by friday. >> have a good night. troy reiners manages nebraska's child support program.
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he doesn't have time for lost checks. he doesn't have budget to waste. but he does have digital currency. 38 states use visa pre-paid cards to deliver benefits to familieinstantly instead of mailing checks, saving taxpayers millions. this is nebraska. this is progress. visa. currency of progress. ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring ♪
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